Friday 30 May 2014

Rocketing to Rajouri

I am a very homely kind of person. I like keeping it near. And dear. 

Say, my eggs and bread are accessible in a shop I diagonally cross the park across my lane to get to (henna hair uncle ji even allows credit of macroeconomic proportions). A Mother Dairy (never liked that name) is next door to his shop. So in one jute bag which came free with Kayam Churan I can get my favourite breakfast, lunch and dinner all in one go. The vegetable carts come to my door step and announce their wares in various dialects I understand not but matters not. The beauty parlour is across the main road after walking down only two sets of yellowing buildings (and I always manage a discount there – say, not pay for threading when I have paid a month’s salary for the facial). Even my child’s school is three private-quarters away within my colony (so what if A-street does not get along with E-street. Education is education). And my favourite market (Rajouri, the name is Rajouri Market) is 15 minutes of battery-operated rickshaw ride away. Just 15 minutes! 

You see how my universe rests within a perimeter the diameter of which must be the smallest divisible number never happy to be multiplied and loving to remain single. 

So, when I was asked a big futuristic question as to where I would like to teleport to, I caught myself thinking. My Very Educated Mother Just Showed Us Nine Planets but why do the names of the planets seem so strange? I can’t possibly say I want to visit ‘Very’, now can I? The Moon sounds good but will out-shine me. The farthest planets are too far, the nearest hotter than me. Another Galaxy, never, for I can't turn traitor to the memory of this chocolate from childhood. So, no!

I think, if I could cut down on travel time and reach a destination in micro mini seconds, I will pick my Rajouri Market. No hailing battery-bhaiya, no tuk-tukking sitting amidst bells and button-down Akshay Kumar posters and no haggling for that Rs. 2 discount. Just teleporting. (whatever that means!) 

I don’t know why you smile. Perhaps, you think me an idiot to want to go to this Punjabi-like-me market rather than, say, Jupiter to meet Sabu or Marlowe the Moon Man keeping the moon dust falling for Noddy. Let me tell you why. Let me show you three pictures from my last visit to Rajouri Market, Wild West Delhi, only this Sunday just gone, to show you how unique and interesting this place is. 

Picture 1:

Steve Jobs could not have designed this one. Neither could have this apple orchard been grown any better by the genius who did it. The many colours, the net (‘Behenji, pure lace! Not net.’), the overall over-saturated image of this on a human shape with bitten apples on every angle and I swear on butter chicken this could not have been spotted in any other market. Such highly evolved brain synapses which could connect unrelated colours and textures and well, even symbols, with such passion for mixing-matching. Today, I am a proud owner of Apples iSuit, limited edition. (apart from a few cock-tail gowns from an over-flowing place called ‘Bangkok Mart’. Such colours you thought never existed!) 

Now, to figure out which is salwar and which the kameez

Picture 2:

What you say is important but how you say it is equally important. We should communicate with love, and passion too, why not. A toy set, imported from across the highest peaks of the Himalayas and found in 'Luckee Toys hee Toys', reads thus. How sweet, sweet as pure cheeni. I held this in my hand and a rush of inexplicable kindness for my next door neighbour (country, I mean) rose up my belly and into my heart (and then down). How the media buries under reams of source-papers the real relationship that the peoples of one country feel for the other. Why rake up controversies over seas, when all they desire is to be fondled admiringly. My son cannot understand the words, but when he learns to read, one day, I am sure he will start wearing a cap and a tee to proclaim his love back for this country (just like those NYC-returned ABCDs). Now, isn't this love letter on a toy unique to my Rajouri? 

PS – It has been opened and the manual instructions followed properly. 

Picture 3:

(Please stop staring. This is purely for showing you the dress material) 

And the people in Rajouri, so big and so big in heart that accommodating other’s language into their own moulds and styles is never a problem. I am sure if this lady has been shopping in Rajouri she knows the symbols of all things Chinese. They are printed behind toys and clips and candy and phone covers and Godly idols and now, on behinds too! So, in the very act of picking this pretty yellow with a foreign language dezign the woman has travelled miles in the Market of World Peace and donned a symbol of such inexplicable unity in diversity that she can quite be used as Mother World. (If only I could see the face I would have doodled it).

I have ordered a whole thaan of this piece. Some to get stitched, some to gift and some to send over for translation to the Institute of All Things Imported. It might help in understanding the print behind most objects in the market much better! 

Tell me! Do you still think me an idiot to want to go to this market rather than, say, Jupiter to meet Sabu or Marlowe the Moon Man who keeps the magic moon dust falling in Toyland?

Okay! Don’t answer that! 

[Written for WordPress Daily Prompts : 365 Writing Prompts. The prompt for today was - Teleport - If you could travel to any location in the universe — where would you travel and why?]


  1. Don't answer that? after you have said all of this? Rajouri of course. Heheh...waiting to see your salwar or kameez :P

    1. :D Waiting for Godot, it seems. :D

    2. The top taxi service

  2. Lovely!! The way you have written it is just so engaging:-):-)

  3. Now, Rajouri Market gets added on my list of 'to see' places in Delhi for sure. This was such a typical 'I love Delhi as only Dilliwallas can' kind of post :) And I mean this in a good complimentary sort of way Sakshi, you know that ...

    1. Of course. Added now? Why, it was always there. I stay next door to it, and you are going to be my guest. No escaping Rajouri for you. :)
      I love this place, Jai. It endears in its own loud and energetic ways. :)

  4. hahahahahah this one cracked me up! iSuit!! I hope I can afford atleast that one!

    1. :D psst, I get some discount in that shop. Come over! :D

  5. Hahaha I so want to teleport there!

    1. :D I should be Rajouri's hired publicist it seems. :D

  6. I couldn't stop smiling and wonder how to painstakingly find humor in very 'homely' things..and ur fav Rajouri Market and Bangkok Mart! It's such an addictive piece and btw, r u indulging in some snoop gate kinda actvity in Delhi..chupke se clicking people and brand ambassadors of all things chinese..picture two epic and wonder ur expression when Nishaad will ask the meaning:)

    1. I waso nly testing my phone camera, Vishal. The objects were there by a matter of sheer good luck chance. :D
      Tab kee tab dehengey. :D

  7. Lovely post Sakshi .. Had me in splits and as always made me read again and again...

    1. :) Good to laugh. Good to see you laughing!

  8. I think with the colonies becoming self-sufficient and India seeing a E-commerce revolution where everything is available online has made the world very compact. No more palika, saroini or janpath but these days things are delivered at home and that too at unbelievable prizes. This is a really apt post :) :D

  9. I loved the isuit :) Good one !

  10. I can't believe it...a post dedicated to Rajouri Garden where you could choose from a billion other places...I am literally on the floor laughing so hard that it hurts my are just brilliant and I admire your eye for details and put them all together

    1. I love this market. It is the most interesting collection of shops and shoppers I have ever seen. I could spend hours there, just sitting and staring. In a good way, of course. :D
      Thank you, Sugandha. Good to see you here today.

  11. First the whatsapp sari I saw and now the iSuit. Awesome.

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  13. Those pictures were priceless!
    I once had a friend in NYC (the city where those NRI ABCD t-shirts were invented) who would insist on always meeting around her block. Always. Which meant that the first year I knew her, I went to 50 restaurants all around town, and 65 in just her block alone!
    Next time I visit your place, maybe we can order some dhoklas from Rajouri?

    1. :) Just like last time. Only, and only, to keep it near. And hopefully, dear too. :)
      Thanks for reading, RK. I am sure I will be grabbing more shots whenever I go to Rajouri next.

  14. The smile on my face did not fade for a second, in fact just widened towards the end! Makes me want to take my mother to Rajouri, she'd love it.
    Elegantly humorous post :)

    1. Yes, do take her. Jokes apart, it is great for clothes and jewellery shopping.
      Thanks for reading, Soumyaa.

  15. He he this is brilliant! I love the first one, Steve Jobs would not have this much creativity for sure.. I recently found a local "essence oil" shop which was selling these perfume oils and the bottle was in the shape of Steve jobs' APPLE!!! Well who can match the creativity of a local market? Smart people indeed :D

    1. Oh, and why did you not take a picture of it? :O Some things are for ever. :D
      No one can match the creativity of the local markets. If I had posted these pictures without my writing, they would still have done just as well. :D
      Thanks for stopping by, V+

  16. But isn't Rajouri where the haap Punjabi aunties shop for the Dus hajaar wala suits? All I remember about the market is the crazy Parking. But then I've shopped at K'rol Bagh and admired diamante studded clutches in red silk at Purse hi Purse......

    1. dus hazaar? Their 'junk jewellery' is for that much, Purba ma'am. :D Oh, this place is exactly the place you have in mind. Quite like Karol Bagh. Just ... livelier. :D

  17. Well, i wouldn't mind being transported to any of Delhi's shopping areas to be frank :P Love shopping and then digging into some divine chaat :)

    1. Then promise me that whenever you are in Delhi you will get in touch with me. I will take you for a chaat spree that you will really really enjoy. And shopping too. :D

  18. he he he he :) An Apple salwar or an Apple Kameez .. oh WOW what all idea's .. so now when you getting it sowned and give it away is it the salwar or is it the kameez

    Rajouri market OH BOY.. I dont want to go there again .. I was in india in march for a wedding and GUESS where the ladies wanted to shop.. and GUess who was the Driver .. SO I had to drive 6hours to delhi.. then take them there were I stood and did nothing just waiting for the phone to ring so I could pick them and Drive them back to our village .. NEVER AGAIN ...

    and the money spent and the stuff i had in the car I wonder how come no one followed us and Looted us on the way to punjab ..

    this experience has actually put me off...

    BUT BUT BUT THANK you for the pics :) maybe just maybe I would not mind to buy that APPLE kapda for a SHIRT he he he he ..

    so next time I come to india maybe you can take me there in that battery operated auto , I dont want to DRIVE also in delhi .. its CHAOS .. :)


    1. It was fun to read a chapter from your 'Delhi Diaries', B. I am sure every visit to Delhi adds to the manuscript many times over. :D
      Thank you for reading this. :)

    2. yeah sorry about that .. i tend to carry on.. Will try to make sure to keep it short ..
      and you have successfully ignored the question ? :)

  19. You made me LOL all through the words :D And hope to see the iSuit waala photo soon on fb :)

    1. He he! I didn't buy it, of course. But next time I'm sure I'll see it on someone or the other in the market. :D

  20. here you come to esplanade and garihaat and you would find apple's iTop..
    The iSuit is new though ..

    Green lace must be the kurta, and salwar is the apple one? But then, how would the apple feature at different angles ? I am confused which one for salwar and which one for the kurta..

    Gosh.. I so want to go to Rajouri market now....

    1. Come come! We'll go together. Maybe even take pictures and write a Rajouri - Part 2. :D
      Thanks for reading. :)

  21. I mean that stuff is downright weird. I have never shopped in Dilli but have heard a lot about its markets. Rajouri brings to my mind the movie Queen :D. Those pictures had me in splits.

    1. Weird is the word, Rachna.
      Good to see you laughing here! :D

  22. hahaha look at those apples :D ROFL
    Rajouri seems to be a market full of innovative designs, enjoyed reading your description for each pic :)

    1. If only they were not bitten, it might as looked new to me. :P
      Thanks a lot for reading me, Rajlakshmi.

  23. iSuit :)
    Delicate do manual work. Let you fondle admiringly :D :D
    OMG....I'm laughing my heads off :D :D

    Rajouri garden, of all places... !
    Humour with a feathery cap, at its best, here !
    Muaah for this, Sakshi :)

    1. Thanks so so much, Sreeja. I always look forward to your comments!

  24. Haaw Sakshi!
    You hop over to Rajouri Garden so often?
    And you don't meet me?
    Next time you're there, hop over to RG's neighbourhood, TG! :D

    And as always, this is a gem! Had me in splits! :D

    1. You live in TG? I had no idea, Poonam. Lets plan something soon as the electricity starts behaving.
      I'm glad you read me and liked this! :)

  25. Sakshi Nanda.. u just gave me fits.. fits of laughter.. Rajouri ki swear behenji, lace vace chhodo, aap ye dekho behtreen cheej, jamawdar duppatta.. oye sonu, laga ke dikhaiyyo behenji pe..

    1. HAHAHAHA. You added chaar chand to the character of my post. Thanks for a super comment. Lots of love, Arpita.

  26. One photo with apple salwar kameez, holding the toys and probably a bag stitched with that other language material is all that's required to make this perfect.

    1. I would not do that even if someone paid me to, Athena. Because I will never have the guts to. :P
      Thanks for reading this!

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    To browse you must be 18+ years old.
    You may only enter this website AbellArora if you are at least 18 years old- if not, you cannot enter the site. If you are accessing this website from a country that prohibits access to adult content or any associated activities, you do so at your own risk. It is your responsibility to comply with local laws. This website only provides a service that allows adult individuals to advertise their time and companionship to other adult individuals. It does not provide a booking service, arrange meetings or take payment on behalf of an advertiser. Any price indicated by an advertiser relates to time only and nothing else. Any services offered, or inferred - in addition to time - are the choice of consenting adults and a private matter to be agreed upon between each party. In some countries, people do not legally have the choice to decide any of the above; it is your responsibility to comply with local laws.

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